Episode 49: Jenny’s Story: Spreading Love and Kindness to Change the World

Jenny DePaul, Project Kind

Jenny DePaul and her family sat around their dining room table one night, discussing what they considered to be true and how could they each make a difference in the world. What ended up coming out of that conversation, was a little project to spread kindness throughout their local community and serve the homeless… and […]

Episode 45: Sherry’s Story: Growing and Harvesting a Garden for Those in Need

Sherry McWilliam, Eden Ridge Farm

Sherry McWilliam, co-founder of Eden Ridge Farm – a farm that donates almost all of the produce they grow to those in need, joins the 1 Girl Revolution podcast. Each year, the garden – which is literally in Sherry’s backyard – grows and donates thousands of pounds of fresh, organic produce to those in need, and after only a couple of years, the farm has donated over 10,000 pounds of fresh produce! Don’t miss this inspiring episode of the 1GR podcast!

Episode 38: Anne’s Story: From Simply Surviving to Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Finding Your Purpose and Thriving

Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels

Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, joins the 1 Girl Revolution podcast to share her inspiring story of brokenness, loss, courage, confession, innovation, creativity, triumph, and love. Listen to this episode of the 1GR podcast to hear the story behind Auntie Anne’s pretzels and the story that empowered this woman and made her become the 1 Girl Revolution that she is today!

Erica’s Story: Protecting Our Children from Child Abuse

Erica Hammel, Protecting Our Children from Child Abuse

Erica Hammel’s son Wyatt is a survivor of Shaken Baby Syndrome, and since her son was abused, she has dedicated her life to raising awareness about child abuse and working to pass “Wyatt’s Law” in Michigan and other states, which would created a registry of convicted child abusers. Child abuse is reported every 10 seconds and 5 children die a day from abuse in our nation. It’s about time we did something about it and this 1 Girl Revolution is leading the charge with Wyatt’s Law.

Episode 25: Jenna’s Story: The Bucket List Baby Mama

Jenna Haley

Jenna Haley made headlines a few years ago with the “Bucket List Baby”. When baby Shane was diagnosed with anencephaly, Jenna and her husband decided to make a “bucket list” for their baby and show him the beauty of this world. Jenna joins the 1 Girl Revolution podcast to share her inspiring story.

Evelyn’s Story: From Losing a Child to Helping Other Mothers


Evelyn lost her sixth child, Paul, after he lived for only 41 minutes. She knows the heartbreak of loss, but also the power of every life. So she decided to turn her heartbreak into something beautiful and opened a maternity home for women in need.

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