Angela Patton, founder of Camp Diva and CEO of Girls for a Change, joins the podcast this week to talk about her life and the incredible work she’s doing to empower young black girls. Camp Diva, founded in honor of Diva, a 5-year-old who died in a tragic firearm accident, provides girls (age 11-15) with fun camp activities, cooking, sewing, dancing, and important social skills that equip and develop the characteristics of strong women. And Girls for a Change empowers girls by inviting them to design, lead, fund and implement social change projects that tackle issues girls face in their own neighborhoods and around the world. GFAC focuses on leadership skills, goal-planning, financial literacy, building a network, exposure, community engagement, and more.
In this episode, Angela shares her own story, the adversity she experienced as a young girl – and still does; she shares the story of young Diva and how Camp Diva came to be, and more about the great work they do; she tells how she became CEO of Girls for a Change and more about the great work they do, and she shares some of the initiatives that sparked out of Girls for a Change – including dances for girls and their fathers, Dates with Dad, work they’re doing with incarcerated men and their daughters, and more; she shares her perspective and experiences; she talks about the incredible women and girls she works with; and so much more.
You don’t wait to miss this inspiring and empowering episode of the 1 Girl Revolution podcast.
For more information on Angela, Camp Diva, and Girls for a Change, please visit the Girls for a Change website.
And to support their work, please go here.
And to watch Angela’s powerful TedTalk that we discussed in this episode, you can watch it below.