Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s Fight for Justice for Rape Victims

Detroit Prosecutor Kym Worthy Fights for Justice for Rape Victims

Detroit Prosecutor Kym Worthy found out that over 11,000 rape kits in the City of Detroit hadn’t been tested, callously put aside, unacknowledged, and un-prosecuted.

Prosecutor Worthy fought for justice for these victims, and continues to fight for justice for them. Worthy and her team have prosecuted hundreds of individuals for these crimes, and they continue to fight for justice for the other survivors of sexual assault.

Prosecutor Worthy’s work in Detroit BLEW THE LID off of the sexual assault epidemic and EXPOSED the fact that there were similar cases all across the country… thousands of rape kits that hadn’t been tested or prosecuted, and because of Prosecutor Kym Worthy and her team those kits are now also being tested and prosecuted.

Detroit Prosecutor Kym Worthy truly is a #1GirlRevolution!

You can watch Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s compelling TED talk here.

And you can find more information the powerful documentary “I Am Evidence”, featuring Detroit Prosecutor Kym Worthy and Mariska Hargitay here.

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

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