Episode 99: Traci: Mental Health and The Power of Listening and Being Heard

Traci Ruble, Founder of Sidewalk Talk

Traci Ruble is a renowned therapist, speaker, and founder of Sidewalk Talk. A few years ago, Traci felt the weight of growing loneliness, violence, addiction, frustration, uncertainty, and inequality in our world, and she decided to create spaces of connection and belonging – on the sidewalks. Sidewalk Talk creates communities of listeners for greater belonging and physical and mental health. Traci joins the podcast to talk about her fascinating journey through life, Sidewalk Talk and their incredible work, mental health and other struggles in 2020, and so much more!

Episode 77: Katie’s Story: Living as a Suicide Loss Survivor and Creating a Community of Love, Advocacy, and Support for Others

Katie Hardy, Founder of Six Feet Over and Suck it! Suicide

Katie Hardy, the founder of Six Feet Over and Suck it! Suicide, suffered the loss of 8 friends and relatives to suicide, including her mother. Desiring to serve others who had suffered similar losses, Katie created Six Feet Over and Suck it! Suicide, in order to prevent suicide and to support those who had lost loved ones to suicide. Katie joins the 1GR podcast to share her life story, her personal experiences as a suicide loss survivor, and the story of how Suck It! Suicide and Six Feet Over were born, and more about the great work they do.

Episode 49: Jenny’s Story: Spreading Love and Kindness to Change the World

Jenny DePaul, Project Kind

Jenny DePaul and her family sat around their dining room table one night, discussing what they considered to be true and how could they each make a difference in the world. What ended up coming out of that conversation, was a little project to spread kindness throughout their local community and serve the homeless… and […]

Episode 38: Anne’s Story: From Simply Surviving to Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Finding Your Purpose and Thriving

Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels

Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, joins the 1 Girl Revolution podcast to share her inspiring story of brokenness, loss, courage, confession, innovation, creativity, triumph, and love. Listen to this episode of the 1GR podcast to hear the story behind Auntie Anne’s pretzels and the story that empowered this woman and made her become the 1 Girl Revolution that she is today!

Episode 23: Julie’s Story: Blooming Love and Flower Therapy

Julie James, owner of Julie James Design

Julie James, owner of Julie James Design – a floral design company, used her love of flowers and a little creativity to help a friend who was grieving after a miscarriage. Julie joins the 1 Girl Revolution podcast to share that story, more about her own life story, and how she is striving to make a difference through her business and love of flowers.

Episode 21: Jada’s Story: Beauty from Ashes

Jada Kramer, Founder of Beauty from Ashes

Jada Kramer, founder of Beauty from Ashes, has an incredible story of overcoming addiction, finding yourself and your purpose, and recognizing the power that beauty has to change the world and change the lives of others. Listen to this week’s episode of the 1 Girl Revolution podcast to hear her story.

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