Evelyn’s Story: From Losing a Child to Helping Other Mothers


Evelyn lost her sixth child, Paul, after he lived for only 41 minutes. She knows the heartbreak of loss, but also the power of every life. So she decided to turn her heartbreak into something beautiful and opened a maternity home for women in need.

Kristen’s Story: Unfailing Love and Hope Amidst a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis

Kristen, JJ and family

Kristen’s husband, J.J., was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme and was given 4 months to live. Kristen and J.J. decided to fight his cancer together and they ended up having 3.5 years together. J.J.’s legacy lives on in the lives of his two sons, and in the unfailing love and hope that Kristen exudes. Everyday is a gift.

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