Episode 117: CHICAGO STUDIO SESSIONS #3 – Empowering Youth To Chase Their Dreams

Dr. Evisha Ford, founder of the I Can Dream Center

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast recorded a special video podcast series featuring inspiring women from the city of Chicago, Illinois. The third episode in the series features Dr. Evisha Ford, founder of the I Can Dream Center — an organization that provides quality programming for youth and specializes in working with students with intellectual disabilities, autism, and various learning difficulties.

Watch the video podcast episode at:

You can also listen to the audio version here:

Dr. Evisha Ford, founder of the I Can Dream Center
Dr. Evisha Ford, founder of the I Can Dream Center

For more information on The I Can Dream Center, please visit: https://icandreamcenter.com

Special thanks to Chicago Live Studios for this incredible opportunity: www.ChicagoLiveStudios.com 

More To Explore


Episode 241: InMotion – Dr. Karen Jaffe

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Dr. Karen Jaffe, a powerhouse advocate, retired OB-GYN, and co-founder of InMotion—a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people with Parkinson’s disease through exercise, education, and support.


Episode 240: The Sunflower Project – Hannah Palmer

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Hannah Palmer, founder of The Sunflower Project—a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading hope, raising awareness about mental health, and providing support and resources so everyone can receive the mental health support and resources they need. 

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

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