Elyse Dehlbom, known by many as a contestant on the 23rd season of The Bachelor, is a 1 Girl Revolution herself and shares the story of her incredible sister’s own 1 Girl Revolution legacy left behind.
Elyse, a makeup artist from Alaska, who now resides in Arizona, shared the story of her sister Sarah who was a labor and delivery nurse, who was diagnosed with a rare neuroendocrine cancer while pregnant with her second child. Sarah unfortunately passed away, but her legacy lives on through Elyse and her family, Sarah’s children and husband, and an organization founded in her honor called “Sarah’s Closet”, which gives every new baby born a gift.
Watch Elyse and Colton’s date, where Elyse shared her sister’s story here.
On this episode of the 1 Girl Revolution podcast, Elyse shares more about her life, how she ended up being on the Bachelor, what she learned about herself through the experience, and some fun insider info on the Bachelor. Elyse shares her sister Sarah’s story and more about the work that Sarah’s Closet continues to do. And a new one-on-one makeup tutorial Elyse is launching soon called Glamour Grasp.
LISTEN to this powerful, inspiring, and fun episode of the 1 Girl Revolution podcast.
Lastly, don’t miss this powerful video Elyse made in response to the criticism and vile comments she received online while on The Bachelor. It’s powerful and every woman should watch it. You are loved.