Episode 124: Kimberly: How to Get Through Hard Times and Empowering Women in Guatemala

Kimberly Letona - success coach, NLP practitioner, MBA

This week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast features Kimberly Letona – success coach, NLP practitioner, MBA, world traveler, wife and mama. Kimberly helps women create the strategy, mindset and confidence they need to succeed in business and life – without the guilt, overwhelm or perfectionism. Her mission is to inspire others to uncover their highest potential, achieve their big dreams, and design a life they truly love. Kimberly has an inspiring life story and so much wisdom to share about life, overcoming hardships, empowering women, supporting your female friends, and so much more. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • ⁠Kimberly’s life story;
  • How she got into coaching and how she’s empowering women through her work;
  • Advice for how to overcome hardships, trauma, and more about Kim’s work as an Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner;
  • About Esperanza y Futuro – the orphanage for young girls who are survivors of abuse in Guatemala and more about their incredible work – and what Kim is doing to support the young women at the home;
  • And so much more.
Kimberly, her family, and the Esperanza y Futuro Family

For more information on Kim and her work, please visit here.

Follow Kimberly on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Watch the Esperanza y Futuro film here.
Donate to Esperanza y Futuro through Integrous Women here

More To Explore


Episode 241: InMotion – Dr. Karen Jaffe

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Dr. Karen Jaffe, a powerhouse advocate, retired OB-GYN, and co-founder of InMotion—a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people with Parkinson’s disease through exercise, education, and support.


Episode 240: The Sunflower Project – Hannah Palmer

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Hannah Palmer, founder of The Sunflower Project—a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading hope, raising awareness about mental health, and providing support and resources so everyone can receive the mental health support and resources they need. 

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

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