Every woman has a story. has a voice. has the power to change the world through her life. IS A 1 GIRL REVOLUTION!
1 Girl Revolution is an Emmy-nominated multimedia enterprise that highlights the stories of everyday women and girls who are changing the world through their lives.

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast
Episode 241: InMotion – Dr. Karen Jaffe
Episode 240: The Sunflower Project – Hannah Palmer
Episode 239: Elmwood Blessing Box – Elizabeth Freeman
The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast
Episode 237: Up ENDing Parkinson’s – Molly Cupka
Episode 236: The Bottomless Toy Chest – Mickey Guisewite
Episode 235: Susie Q’s Kids – Dr. Mary Welsh
Episode 234: Vivian’s Hope Foundation – Vivian and Jessica Oettel

1 Girl Revolution is an award-winning multimedia platform dedicated to highlighting the stories of everyday women who are changing the world through their lives. We release a new podcast episode every week featuring a conversation with world-changing women. We also have produced two short documentaries – the Emmy-nominated “The Girl Inside” (2020) and our latest “In Tandem” (2022) – video interviews, media interviews, and more. Our platform features the inspiring stories of women and girls across the country who are making a difference and changing the world.
Our hope is that The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, our documentaries, and this platform, will inspire you, challenge you, and help you to see – your value, your purpose, and your power to change the world. YOU are a 1 Girl Revolution and you have the power to change the world through your life!