Episode 162: This Doctor’s Patient Inspired An Organization Dedicated to Supporting Cancer Patients and Their Families

Dr. Pamela Benitez, a surgeon and co-founder of the Shades of Pink Foundation, joins The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast to share her inspiring life story, how she decided to get into medicine and become a surgeon, how she’s helping people every single day, and how one conversation with a patient led to the Shades of Pink Foundation. 

The Shades of Pink Foundation was founded in 2005 and has worked with hundreds of breast cancer patients and their families and has helped alleviate the financial burden that many patients and their families face. Many patients diagnosed with breast cancer have extra financial burdens placed on them during treatment and recovery, but that is something that is not often talked about. Common financial burdens include mortgage payments or rent, insurance payments, transportation costs, childcare, and other essentials of daily life. The Shades of Pink Foundation is dedicated to reducing financial stress for those undergoing breast cancer treatment by providing prompt funding for daily living expenses. Since their founding in 2005, the Shades of Pink Foundation has provided more than $2 million of financial support to help cover the costs of everyday living expenses and by paying the bills directly, the Shades of Pink Foundation helps relieve patients of that burden, and gives them the peace of mind necessary to move forward in their treatment and recovery.

Dr. Pamela Benitez

Dr. Benitez joins The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast to talk all about the Shades of Pink Foundation and the incredible work they do. You don’t want to miss this inspiring episode!

In this episode, you’ll hear:

– Dr. Benitez’s life story and how she decided to get into medicine; 

– Her own journey with cancer through her sister;

– The story of how one patient’s cancer story led to The Shade of Pink Foundation;

– About The Shades of Pink Foundation and the stories of people they’ve helped;

– And so much more.

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. 

The Shades of Pink Foundation Wild Time at the Zoo event

For more information on the Shades of Pink Foundation, please visit the Shades of Pink Foundation website
Follow the Shades of Pink Foundation on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

More To Explore


Episode 241: InMotion – Dr. Karen Jaffe

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Dr. Karen Jaffe, a powerhouse advocate, retired OB-GYN, and co-founder of InMotion—a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people with Parkinson’s disease through exercise, education, and support.


Episode 240: The Sunflower Project – Hannah Palmer

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Hannah Palmer, founder of The Sunflower Project—a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading hope, raising awareness about mental health, and providing support and resources so everyone can receive the mental health support and resources they need. 

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

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