Episode 196: The Formation Project – Kat Wehunt

This week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast features Kat Wehunt, founder of The Formation Project – a survivor-led nonprofit organization that provides specialized services to those who have experienced human trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. 

The Formation Project has built a community of support led by survivors for survivors. The Formation Project believes that a positive and permanent impact in the lives of survivors is possible by ensuring access to sustainable services. Their services include outreach, intervention, case management, an emergency shelter, and a vibrant, consistent survivor community. 

Kat is a survivor of familial human trafficking and she co-founded The Formation Project to help other survivors. Kat is one of the leading voices in the movement to bring an end to human trafficking in our world. 

You do not want to miss this inspiring and powerful episode! 

In this episode, you’ll hear: 

  • Kat’s inspiring life story;
  • Her story of surviving familial human trafficking and how she’s found healing;
  • How Kat’s own experiences led her to starting The Formation Project;
  • About the work of The Formation Project and stories of some of the survivors they have supported;
  • And so much more.

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

For more information on The Formation Project, please visit The Formation Project website
Follow The Formation Project on Facebook and Instagram.

Note: Since recording this episode, Kat has moved on from The Formation Project, but their critical work continues and Kat was the catalyst for starting this incredible organization.

More To Explore


Episode 241: InMotion – Dr. Karen Jaffe

On this week’s episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast, we welcome Dr. Karen Jaffe, a powerhouse advocate, retired OB-GYN, and co-founder of InMotion—a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people with Parkinson’s disease through exercise, education, and support.

The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, YouTube, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.

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